Merkel proposes mandatory EU-wide quarantine for those arriving from UK

The German politician's call comes as quarantine is already compulsory in Germany for those coming from GB.

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has expressed her wish that for those arriving from the UK, quarantine should be mandatory in any EU country. The news is reported by the Guardian.

Merkel, mandatory quarantine for those coming from the UK throughout the EU

It must be said that in Germany if you come from Great Britain, quarantine is already compulsory. This is not the case in all European countries. “While I would like it to be so,” said Merkel, speaking in the Bundestag.

The German politician had, not surprisingly, criticised Portugal in recent days, as British tourists are allowed in without quarantine. In addition, Merkel agreed with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s proposal, made a few days ago, to move the European Football Championship final to a venue other than London, as had been planned.

Britain is a virus variant risk zone. Everyone coming from there has to be in quarantine for 14 days and there are very few exceptions. I believe, or rather I don’t believe, I hope UEFA will act responsibly. I would not find it positive if there were full stadiums there.”

Merkel, compulsory quarantine for those coming from GB throughout the EU: new record of contagions for delta variant

The situation in Great Britain is extremely delicate, due to the delta variant, formerly Indian, of covid: only today, 23 June, the country has set a new record of contagions. Unfortunately, there is talk, not yet officially, of a fourth wave: over 16,000 cases in just 24 hours. The number of positive cases has never been so high since 6 February.

The number of cases has peaked, with a daily quota of 16,135 positive tests, the highest number since 2 February.

Merkel, compulsory quarantine for those coming from GB across the EU: vaccination campaign continues unabated in the UK

The UK government figures, however, are keen to stress that the increase is smaller than the total number of hospital admissions, thanks to the vaccination campaign. It also embraces the drop in deaths, from 27 yesterday to 19. The vaccines administered, in fact, currently exceed 75 million doses, with 60.2 of the entire adult population already immunised with both doses and 82.5% who have received only the first.

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