Meghan Markle shares news of her miscarriage

Meghan Markle has shared the details of a miscarriage she suffered in July.

Meghan Markle has shared the details of a miscarriage she suffered in July by writing a piece for the New York Times called “The Lossses We Share“.

Meghan Markle suffers a miscarriage

The Duchess of Sussex wrote the following:

It was a July morning that began as ordinarily as any other day: Make breakfast. Feed the dogs. Take vitamins. Find that missing sock. Pick up the rogue crayon that rolled under the table. Throw my hair in a ponytail before getting my son from his crib. After changing his diaper, I felt a sharp cramp. I dropped to the floor with him in my arms, humming a lullaby to keep us both calm, the cheerful tune a stark contrast to my sense that something was not right. I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second. Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed, holding my husband’s hand. I felt the clamminess of his palm and kissed his knuckles, wet from both our tears. Staring at the cold white walls, my eyes glazed over. I tried to imagine how we’d heal.”

Meghan Markle continued on to speak about the losses many people have endured this year during the Covid pandemic. She also added that she and Harry grieved while in isolation and lockdown.

The couple already have one child, Archie, who was born in May 2019. They thanked everyone for their “support and kindness during this exceptionally joyful time in their lives” at the time.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped back from royal duties and moved to California earlier this year.


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Written by Harry John

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