ME, a new electric scooter ‘made in Italy’

Electric vehicles are now well established and widespread around the globe and many companies can now pursue their own projects and deliver innovative vehicles with zero emissions, high techology and able to catch the eye and sometimes harsh market.
A bunch of Italian companies with quite some experience in the field joined forces to create one single electric scooter, the ME, an electric scooter with typical Italian design (cortesy of Sergio Mori) and a number of technical features that makes it somewhat unique and revolutionary, in some ways.

Clearly designed for teenagers looking for a modern and affordable vehicle, the ME has a frame made of SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound, a composite material that has no metal parts), reinforced with thermosetting resins that makes it environmentally friendly and completely recyclable.
This choice provides for 35% saving in total weight, to the benfit of the performance of its electric engine.
Connected to the rear wheel there is a magnet brushless motor, able to develop a power ranging from 1800 to 3000 Watt.
With these numbers, the electric scooter ME can reach top speeds ranging from 60 to 70 km/h (37-43 mph), which national laws will have cut down on the road at 45 km/h.

This engine can be fed by two different battery packs: one with silicon gel batteries (55 to 70 km of range) and lifePo batteries (from 80 up to 100 km of range).
This scooter will arrive on the market in limited numbers this coming fall.

Written by Unit

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