MCN to Honda: take back the VFR1200F

Honda is creating a PR nightmare for itself over its new VFR1200F bike.
In light of Europe’s press being generally luke warm about the bike, Honda is getting very cold feet over any comparisons with former, mightier V4’s.
According to internet rumour mill (on good authority), MCN followed its standard testing procedure in making the VFR1200 available to the general public and owners of other Honda VFRs for trial, after the initial press launch.

When Honda got wind of that, though, it got so scared it apparently told MCN that it wasn’t to allow the testing by the general public, and that only editorial staff were to be trusted near the bike (as if they’ve been anymore flattering than anyone else.
Quote: “The new VFR is a good bike, but it’s not a great one.
And after all the hype and expectation… that is not good enough.
”)And the gossip gets jucier: according to reports, MCN spat the dummy and told Honda to take the bike back.
It’s a great response for a publication from whom we wouldn’t expect anything less than seriousness and professionalism.

Honda’s actions smack of arrogance and will only put the bike further under negative scrutiny; although I feel sorry for the guy who had to deliver the message.

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