“McDonald Undeterred by Politically Inspired Death Threat”

Sinn Féin’s head, Mary Lou McDonald, has declared her commitment to continue her political journey despite facing a recent death threat. The Gardaí are probing a web-based threat against her, issued by a masked man on TikTok earlier this week, indicating his intent to execute her. The individual, who also targeted Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, has been pinpointed and the incriminating video clip deleted from the online networking site.

On Thursday, Ms McDonald commented on the ordeal, acknowledging that it was a horrific encounter. However, she expressed gratitude towards the public for its support and is now publicly addressing the threats and vilification on social media. She voiced her exasperation at having been maligned and defamed for a year, attributing this to political motives during her conversation with Newstalk Breakfast.

Ms McDonald berated social media platforms for remaining indifferent to such content, while prohibiting democratically elected individuals from sharing political material. She questioned the moderation of these platforms that spread hatred, misleading information, and cruelty.

The leader of Sinn Féin observed that as a political figure, it’s expected to face challenges and criticism. However, she highlighted a uniquely brutal attention directed towards her and her party over the past year. There has apparently been a targeted attempt to alienate popular sentiment, particularly in working-class locales, labelling her and Sinn Féin as betrayals.

She conveyed her concern over the gravity of the recent incident, implying a crossing of all acceptable limitations. She highlighted the chilling effect of a bold, open threat made on social media, promising to take one’s life and fearlessly announcing it globally. She indicated this action put her in significant peril, an experience she described as terrifying.

Responding to queries about her family’s reaction to a recent threat, Ms McDonald expressed their indignance. She strongly confirmed that this incident would not deter her from her political ambitions. “Rather, it emboldens me further to combat this malicious trend with others…We must refuse to let a destructive legacy of hostility triumph,” she insisted.

The social media app, TikTok, confessed yesterday that it had erred by not immediately deleting a video containing death threats against Ms McDonald and Mr Harris off its platform. The offensive video and the user’s account have now been removed by TikTok after receiving multiple complaints.

An Garda Síochána, in response to enquiries, stated that they were “conscious of a video posted on social media” on Tuesday, and that the situation was being scrutinised. At the present time, they noted that no additional details were accessible.
