Italian footballer playing for Manchester City, Mario Balotelli, hasn’t had much chance to show his talent on the field, with recent weeks marred by on-pitch brawls and gossip of being thrown out of nightclubs and fighting with bouncers.
England’s tabloid The Sun has been closely following the Balotelli City career in true tabloid style.
They’ve reported on the Balotelli Nike Footlocker ad (see it on YouTube), saying: “Although colourful Mario may struggle putting on a footie training bib, he can do a decent TV promo.
” Then there was the piece on the Ferdinand-Balotelli bust-up due to Mario apparently teasing Manchester United fans after it lost the FA Cup semi final to City.
As Roberto Mancini says, “it’s always Mario fault” but the Italian player is certainly having a successful time on the publicity front (if you agree with the notion that no publicity is bad publicity).
But one moment of generosity in a sea of money and sordid gossip was reported by the Sun as Balotelli apparently won £25,000 at the casino, and the promptly gave 1000 of it to a homeless person.
Signing for 24 million pounds to Manchester City last year, Balotelli hardly needs everything he wins at the casino.
But this time, the Sun ran the words “generous soccer star Mario Balotelli” and “his latest act of kindness”.
The article quoted a source as saying:Mario is really generous….
There’s a guy he always sees around town with ginger dreadlocks and a beard.
He carries his possessions in two carrier bags.
He was outside the club in the early hours so Mario handed him a wad of notes after his big win.
The tramp couldn’t believe his luck.
It was enough to keep him going for months.