Marco Simoncelli Foundation has raised more than €700,000 so far

The late Marco Simoncelli is still very sorely missed in Italy and his wonderful family is trying to keep his memory alive with the Marco Simoncelli Foundation and dad Paolo is often invited to talk about how his son was.
In a recent visit to the Einaudì High School at Porto Sant’Elpidio (Fermo), Paolo told the students about how his son would often visit institutes for the disabled when he wasn’t racing and when he’d come out he’d tell me, “See daddy, people should come to these places more often, they’d comprehend things a lot more.

Marco was such a better person than I am,” said SimoncelliPaolo Simoncelli movingly tells ancedotes about his son, “Life without Marco is hard, but the affection that these students give us is wonderful and hearwarming.
For five years I attended the Montani school in Fermo where I graduated as an electronics technician and during the 20th class reunion, I decided to go by motorcycle and brought Marco who was five at that time with me and he fell asleep on the way and I almost had to tie him to stop from falling off.

”It isn’t easy for Paul Simoncelli who has trouble holding back the tears while signing autographs, but he added ” the legacy that Marco left and the foundation that we set up to raise funds for people with disabilities and in a short period of time we’ve raised more than 700,000 euros, which is extraordinary.

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