Marco Melandri writes shoulder recovery going slow

Marco Melandri knows he won’t be 100% fit when the second round of the season at the Motorland Aragon ciruit in Spain rolls around in mid April, but he certainly expected to be a little further along in his recovery following his shoulder surgery on February 27th.
Recovery from shoulder surgery is known to be notoriously long, and on his personal blog, the Italian rider revealed the extent of his problems, that turned out to be a serious case of arthosis in his shoulder joint.

Melandri wrote: “I had a serious arthrosis, in fact the bone instead of being smooth and homogeneous like a ping pong ball, seemed more woolly like a tennis ball.
There where little bone fragments everywhere and in some points the woolly part created some adhesions with the nearest tissues.
The doctors went in deep to clean the part in question and they smoothed at least 1 cm of my bone.
Fortunately, tendons and ligaments were perfect, and also the part where I had the surgery in 2003 was ok.
”He also added, “Honestly, I thought it would have been a fast recovery, and I’d be ready to work out after two weeks … but it’s not been like that.

For the first tree weeks I felt a very intense pain on the top of my bone, today it’s been 23 days [he wrote on his blog on March 25th] since the surgery and I tried to force a little bit more during the gym activity, but I still keep on feeling that painful sensation between the tendons of the humeral head .
In 10 days I should get back on the bike to tess, so this week I should be able to work out … I’m a little bit concerned, because I thought I would have been completely OK after the surgery …Photo source @marcomelandri33twitter.

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