Man sues BMW and seat maker over severe priapism

Many of you guys may remember that 2008 case study that said riding motorcycles for too long could cause erectile disfunction and impotency, well a California man has just messed up those statistics as he is suing BMW North America and seat maker Corbin over a severe case of priapism (medical term for a persistent, lasting erection)Apparently, the plantiff Henry Wolf, is claiming that in May 2010 after a four-hour ride on his 1993 BMW equipped with a Corbin Pacific seat caused him to suffer from a painful erection that still hasn’t gone away 20 months later, and this has resulted in lost wages, personal injury, medical expenses, negligent infliction of emotional distress and inability to engage in sexual activity, so he is seeking compensation from both companies.

We doubt that BMW’s legal department has ever had to handle something as hard as this.

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