Man Jailed for Threatening Woman, Pets

Convicted to a term of 39 months in detention, 53-year old, Shane Carroll, had threatened to kill a woman, ignite her house and maim her dogs. Carroll, a resident of Beechwood Court, Carrigaline, County Cork committed these offences in October 2023, and later confessed to charges of assault causing injury, criminal destruction and thievery.

The Cork Circuit Criminal Court reviewed that the then-partner was subjected to physical and vocal abuse by the defendant, Carroll. The latter has an earlier history of residing in Australia, with sentences served for serious misconduct.

The court was informed by Sgt Declan Healy that a call for Gardaí reached them on 18th October 2023, to respond to the situation at 6.30 pm. “The victim, blatantly terrified, was located by Gardaí with injuries, swelling and traces of blood all over her face. The attacker, identified by her as her partner, Shane Carroll, was revealed to be on the upper floor of the house. She was then advised by Gardaí to seek the safety of her neighbour’s home”, Sgt Healy detailed.

Carroll was subsequently detained for inflicting harm through assault, and escorted to Togher Garda station in Cork. The confirmation of these incidents was recorded in the victim’s statement to Gardaí, as told by Sgt Healy.

In her account, she narrated the events starting from earlier that eventful day. She mentioned telling Carroll about spending more time together which sparked intense fury and aggression in him. He strangled her to the point of breathlessness. The abuse escalated to tormenting physical attacks, verbal threats, and a violent incidence where he shattered a hand-held vanity mirror on her. She sought protection by fleeing to her bedroom.

Quite undeterred, he pursued, landed more punches and forcibly took her phone to prevent her from alerting anyone. The initial phase of the ordeal ended at the barren fridge which led to a surprised Carroll forcefully insisting she drive him to a liquor store.

The escalation resumed after their return from the store with Carroll spilling beer on the floor, spitting at her and assaulting her all over again. Throughout this, she trembled with fear, while Crolla manifested his violence, even after their return from their trip for beer at the off-licence.

The woman found herself in immense fear after being physically attacked with her own phone by Carroll, who also threatened to confine her at home for a week to hide her facial injuries. The information was shared in court.

During an episode of anger, Carroll hurt his hand by striking the wall, which served as a diversion for the woman to call a family member and seek help. Despite an elaborate complaint filed against him, Carroll refused to concede, dismissing some allegations as trivial, as Sgt Healy informed the court.

Court was also informed that Carroll, originally from Cork, migrated to Australia in his teenage years where he had a rather problematic past. He served a seven-year prison term there for his involvement in a kidnapping event and another five years for a fatal incident caused by reckless driving. This incident brought forth his association with an Australian biker gang.

Judge Boyle, who received the woman’s victim impact statement, lauded her for showing fortitude in such challenging circumstances. With due consideration to Carroll’s guilty pleas, Judge Boyle handed him a sentence of three years and nine months, out of which the final six months were suspended. She explicitly cautioned Carroll not to attempt any physical or verbal contact with the victim after he is freed from prison.
