Man jailed for attacking pregnant woman

A man from Belfast known for his history of violence against females has been sentenced to a 20-month jail term for his assault on his ex-girlfriend. In addition to this, Jordan Samuel Spence trampled on her belly during a time when she believed she was carrying a child in her womb and tried to choke her after locking her inside his residence. He also menaced his ex-girlfriend using a sword. He made a threatening remark stating, “I am going to dismember you and hide the pieces in a location where nobody can find them.”

On Wednesday, Spence was sentenced by Judge Phillip Gilpin at the Belfast Crown Court. For his crimes, the father-of-three was ordered to spend 20 months in jail, and this is to be followed by another 20 months of controlled freedom.

Spence, a 32-year-old resident of Lawnbrook Drive in Belfast, admitted to his guilt on several charges. These included actual bodily harm, criminal damage, threats of taking life, and false detention. All these charges were considered aggravated by the context of domestic abuse.

On the 9th of March the previous year, Spence and his victim, with whom he no longer held a relationship, were engaged in a verbal dispute at his residence. When the woman attempted to depart, Spence forcefully shut the entrance, gripping her finger and pulling her arm. He then forced her to the floor, jumped on her abdomen, and punched her face twice.

Spence’s victim bit him in her own defence. After this, he seized her mobile, threw it to the ground, stomped on it, shattered it with a hammer, and finally, disposed of it in a mop bucket. As she made an effort to exit through the back door, he caught hold of her again, dragged her inside and locked the door using a padlock.

Despite her pleads to let her free, Spence did not back down. He proceeded to throw her onto a staircase, landed multiple punches on her face and strangled her. He went on to pick up a sword and threatened to take her life.

Eventually, the woman managed to get free from his residence and left the scene in her car. She flagged down a passing citizen and alerted the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). The injuries she had sustained including facial swelling, red marks around her neck, and a swollen thumb were noticed by the police when they found her.

Consequently, law enforcement officials proceeded to the suspect’s residence leading to his detention. He countered claims of a dispute during his conversation with the police, asserting that his former partner showed up at his dwelling in obvious distress, but he insisted she depart.

Upon reviewing the victim’s testament regarding the event, Judge Gilpin deduced that the incident brought real physical discomfort to the woman. She disclosed her sufferings which included recurring painful memories, night terrors, depression and anxiety subsequent to the assault.

For the defence, barrister Michael Boyd informed Judge Gilpin that his client “is willing to receive judgement based on his admission of guilt to all related charges”.

Furthermore, Mr Boyd indicated that while awaiting trial in custody, Spence has “employed his time constructively” and is currently tackling his drug addiction problems.

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