Man Attacks Woman in Dublin

Matthias Kelly, age 41, made a court appearance at the Dublin District Court on Monday, following charges of assault, wielding a six-inch bladed kitchen knife and breaking and entering at Newbury Lawns, Clonshaugh in the early hours of Saturday morning. He was further accused of causing property damage at an ex-lover’s residence on Millbrook Avenue, Coolock the previous Friday. Despite these grave accusations, Mr. Kelly, a resident of Coolock offered no response.

In reference to the severity of the allegations, Detective Donal Bolger strongly opposed bail. He described the victim, immersed in her own blood, comparing the grisly scene to a slaughtering ground. The detective reports that on Friday evening, Mr. Kelly vandalised his former lover’s residence by breaking the windows.

Allegedly, the accused forcefully entered the woman’s house in Clonshaugh at around 12:15am on Saturday, seizing a large serrated kitchen knife. The woman, said to be in her thirties and familiar with Mr Kelly, awoke to find him looming over her.

Mr. Kelly is subsequently accused of stabbing the woman repeatedly in her face and neck while asserting, “you’re dead, you’re dead”. The woman, however, managed to fight back, kicking Mr. Kelly in the groin and forcing him to drop the knife. As she attempted to flee, it is alleged that he then repeatedly trod on her head.

The woman reportedly sustained injuries to her chin, neck, shoulder and received black eyes. After initially being treated at Beaumont Hospital, she left of her own accord. However, upon removing her hair extensions at home, she found three additional wounds on the back of her head and was consequently readmitted for treatment.

Detective Bolger told the court that the individual in question, identified by his bloodied attire, was apprehended at a residence in Coolock where he was residing. He was escorted to the local Coolock Garda precinct, questioned, and also had his DNA sampled.

It was alleged that a mobile phone owned by Mr Kelly was seized and revealed a text message from the defendant to an unidentified man, admitting to committing a savage act on a woman and confessing he would end up imprisoned. The court was also enlightened about a threatening WhatsApp message sent by the defendant to a woman just six days before, where he boasted about intending to slit her throat.

Detective Bolger shared his expectation of more severe charges against the suspect upon submission of the case file to the Director of Public Prosecutions. Solicitor David Bassett for the defence pointed out that some of the evidence provided was anecdotal, as the witness hadn’t appeared in court. However, Detective Bolger retorted that the woman witness had experienced a distressing incident.

Mr Bassett called into question the severity of the physical harm, exhibiting a photograph supposedly taken of the victim post-incident to the court. On viewing the woman personally, Detective Bolger revealed her hair was entirely drenched in blood.

While Mr Kelly, who hasn’t stated his plea yet, elected to remain silent in court, his counsel assured the court his client had no prior record, no warrant history and would comply with any set conditions. Nonetheless, Judge Brennan denied Mr Kelly’s bail, and ordered his remand in custody to reappear at Cloverhill District Court come Friday.

Written by Staff

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