Make way for the iMass: application has priests celebrate mass on iPad

After the iBreviary for the iPhone appeared, there is a new addition to the book of daily prayers for the iPhone in the form of an iPad app that contains the missal.
The application, currently called iMass, has been developed by the Rev Paolo Padrini, who claims that it could make it easier for priests who travel a lot to celebrate mass with their own missal on their iPad.

While he says it won’t replace many of the book-based missals used by priests to celebrate mass, some of them are old and falling apart and need a modern replacement for travelling priests.
The iPad application makes it handy for priests to celebrate mass while on the road and will be launched in July in English, Italian, French, Spanish and Latin.
Despite its apparent need for a name, 200,000 people have already downloaded it.
Father Padrini heads the Vatican’s new media outreach program for young people, which includes a presence on Facebook and YouTube.
We’re still a bit dubious, but if there’s one way to take the message to young people, it’s via technology.

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Leon Haslam at Aragon (w/video)

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