Madonna pre-photoshop in D&G; campaign

We’ve seen a few of these pics of Madonna playing housewife in Dolce and Gabbana’s advertising campaign, but this is the first we’ve seen of the un-photoshopped pics.
Leaving aside just who the person is who released these pics, Madonna looks pretty damn fabulous, photoshopped or not, and she’ll probably do wonders for the D&G campaign.

They most likely paid her a stack of money to do so, anyway.
The symbiosis between Madonna, the black and white photos and the Dolce & Gabbana brand works really well, and it proves that D&G is virtually beyond international – forget advertising in Italy, they don’t even need to try to be recognised around the world with this ad campaign.
We doubt very much that most people around the world will care that these pictures have been photoshopped to the extreme and, lets face it, we’re often all so vain that the unphotoshopped pics would mostly have been embarrassing at least, and unacceptable at most for many people.
What’s more, are we so shocked anymore that even someone like Madonna gets photoshopped? Whatever.

It’s a simple but highly sophisticated campaign and D&G will probably get to cash in, big time, on its use of one of the world’s most famous icons.
That and it will go down in marketing history.
Madonna photoshop Dolce and Gabbana
