Love in Rome: mash notes at Bar dell’Orologio

Some time ago we had the chance to talk about the Padlocks of love at Ponte Milvio and the Trevi fountain in Rome, but now a new ‘ shrine ‘ devoted to love has popped up just a few blocks away; in fact a whole wall of Bar dell’Orologio has been literally covered up with love post-it notes.

Something quite similar happened, if I am not wrong, at the Jazz Café where people used to stick love notes to the chandelier, but here the number of these post-it notes is growing really fast; they will soon outnumber the famous love padlocks.
To be truthful the Romans seem to prefer these lovely notes to those ugly padlocks which are, to be blunt, a real eyesore.
This time the only drawback is that paper will eventually crumble to dust and blow away!
