London Bikers Continue Parking Fee Protest (w/video)

London motorcyclists are continuing their 18 month protest against the Westminster City Council in London against parking taxes that was imposed on them.
After being ignored and their protests completely unlistened to, the protesters have now upped their demonstrations from once a month to once a week with what they call the Wednesday-Morning-Breakfast-Club’ (WMBC) protest ride.

A few hours before the start of the WMBC, bikers, who are registered with the No To Bike Parking Tax campaign, receive an SMS to advise them where to meet and at 7:30 gather at a roundabout or junction to cause massive traffic jams during the morning rush hour in the British capital by riding their bikes as cars and taking the space of a car.
The Wednesday morning protest will continue until the City Council sees the light and abolishes the parking tax.
Check out more videos after the jump.

Written by Unit

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