Life in the Agnelli family: Lapo Elkann wants to be Jewish

We already knew Italy’s famous Lapo Elkann, from the Agnelli family, Fiat and Italia Independent, was a little crazy.
But in the next GQ issue from Italy an interview between Italian singer Jovanotti and Lapo takes place, in which the latter reveals some aspects of life in the Agnelli family, and a couple of surprising admissions which don’t involve transvestites and cocaine.

Lapo Elkann has declared he would like to be Jewish, and since his father was Jewish, but his mother wasn’t, he is currently undergoing a conversion course.
Apparently he has had help from many rabbis and as Elkann has been recently discovering the beauty of religion, he wants to explore the one that he feels closest too.
Lapo Elkann has also decided he would like to have children in the future, but that he will only be a father when he can be sure to be a good one.
“Not one of those fathers who have crazy careers and create empires but who don’t know how to love their children and only make mistakes.

”Could this be a new, mature Lapo??
