Life in Italy: the dolce vita, Beppe Grillo and Italian wages

Unfortunately I didn’t get to see the episode from Australia’s Foreign Correspondent program on Italy and its new political scene.
But I can imagine what it was like, as Italy’s image around the world, rightly or wrongly, slowly corrodes.
The program examined the figure of Beppe Grillo, a comedian and significant media figure in the closed hierarchy of Italian politics, who wants to blow apart the established order in Italy and define a new way of communicating and doing politics.

Certainly not always popular, I’d love to see what the program’s conclusions were on such a figure.
Grillo is also a pioneer of blogging in Italy, and the Beppe Grillo blog is one of the most visited blogs in Italy, and the world.
Unfortunately Grillo sits squarely in theItaly’s armageddon” camp in terms of the life enjoyed by most Italians, and is also of the unhealthy opinion that anything wrong with Italy is due to its politicians.
