“Life Beyond Backpacking in Australia”

Contrary to the charming stereotype of youthful Irish people flocking to Australia as sun-seeking backpackers, the numbers tell a different story. In the year 2022-2023, 48,700 temporary special work visas were sanctioned by Australia for foreign nationals, marking an increase of 24,000 over the previous annum, and there were 79,000 permanent visas approved.

Ireland was among the leading 15 nations whose residents successfully acquired a skilled visa last year, a visa type that allows the holder to find employment in certain sectors where Australia faces a skills gap. This type of visa has gained popularity among individuals who have reached the age limit for the working holiday permit and wish to advance their profession or accommodate a family since it offers one of the very few visa subclasses that permit the inclusion of family members.

Just over 4% of the total visas issued under this classification were granted to Irish applicants. Nevertheless, Irish youngsters should be mindful that making a living in Australia can pose financial challenges.

While the media attention may have been captured by approximately 21,000 Irish individuals under the mandatory age of 35 utilising the Australian working holiday visa, it doesn’t spell an end to the notion of resettling Down Under for those who are just a bit older or have a family to consider.

For those assessing visa eligibility, booking flights, and contemplating a fresh start in Australia as a familial group (including your pet cat), you may need guidance on budgeting for migrated life in the southern hemisphere.

Initial costs can mount rapidly even before you board your flight. A range of initial expenses must be handled prior to leaving your homeland, starting with the visa.

As frequent viewers of Australian immigration and customs reality TV shows could confirm, Australians are quite no-nonsense about immigration, so it’s crucial to be prepared with all the necessary approved documents and details. Visa fees can range from €1,000 to €5,000 contingent on the visa type.

Additionally, you should also be ready to cover other documentation and procedures that could be needed for your application.

When trying to obtain certain professional qualifications recognised outside of Australia, you may need to undergo health checks, background investigations, and assessments of occupational skills. Various immigration requirements, such as those for your visa and profession, may incur charges. To provide a ballpark figure, Engineering Australia imposes an approximate €860 fee for a competency demonstration report and any necessary skilled employment evaluations. Conversely, a comprehensive skills assessment from the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council is priced at around €358.

Requirements for some visas may also include demonstrating the legitimacy of your financial claims surrounding your application, this may involve allowing immigration authorities to scrutinise your banking history for a designated duration. When applying for certain skilled visas, Audrey O’Connor, the founder of Kelly & O’Connor Migration, suggests a need to provide proof of two years of work experience through the means of bank statements and salary slips. For some professions, providing supplementary evidence may be necessary. Therefore, it is advised to manage your personal finances well in anticipation of any unaccounted inconsistencies or gaps.

Following visa confirmation, you will face the arduous task of packing up for the move, a challenge even for a family of four preparing for a brief stay in Portugal, let alone a permanent relocation to a different country. Despite the temptation to transport your entire home, including the proverbial kitchen sink, considering the cost implications is vital. The transportation of belongings to distant parts of the globe can be costly. A recommended, budget-friendly approach to shipping large, bulky items like furniture, is to share the expense of a shipping container with other migrants via direct contact or a shipping company. The prominent company, Seven Seas Worldwide, gives customers the option to fill one of their “Move Cubes” – of three different sizes, the largest of which can accommodate an upright adult – with household possessions that cannot be ferried by air.

A quote was provided for door-to-door delivery of the largest option (measuring 226cm x 146cm x 187cm) from Cork to Melbourne, and the price inclusive of all charges, rang up to €3,896.54. To justify this hefty expenditure and the estimated travel time of 112-138 days or around 16-20 weeks, it’s crucial to critically evaluate the true necessity of shipping your so-called ‘essentials’.

Shipping a cargo container brimming with readily available Ikea furniture from Australia may not prove cost-effective. Notably, the prices of furniture, even the reliable European brand – Ikea, tend to be lower in Australia. For instance, in Ireland, the Friheten corner sofa bed costs €650, while in Australia its price equivalent in the local currency is €483.27. Moreover, electronics such as televisions, laptops, desktops, are typically less expensive in Australia, thereby rendering the exorbitant shipping cost of your cherished flat screen television an unnecessary burden on your relocation budget.

Australia features an extensive array of discount department stores, similar to Penneys but with a more comprehensive range of kitchenware; thus, you can save money by selling or abandoning your old pots at home and purchasing new ones upon arrival.

Family pets are irreplaceable assets that can’t just be abandoned or instantly substituted. On a positive note, over time, their lengthy air travel has become less strenuous. The downside, however, is the substantial cost and complex bureaucracy involved in this process.

Australia implements rigorous biosecurity laws to safeguard its agricultural industry and pristine ecology. The famous case of Johnny Depp, who nearly lost his dogs after they were smuggled in by private jet, serves as a stark reminder. There is a 20-step procedure to import cats and dogs into Australia, including veterinarian assessments, blood tests and vaccinations.

Upon reaching Australia, your pet will be segregated at the only quarantine facility in the country, located in Melbourne regardless of your final destination – it could last anything between 10-30 days, or up to 180 if complications arise. This whole process will be at your expense.

According to prevailing estimates, a quarantine duration of 30 days might set you back by about €2,299, however, this amount may vary based on specific needs. Pet transportation services such as Pet Carriers International has stated that the typical cost of importing pets like dogs or cats to Australia can fluctuate between 8,000 and 30,000 Australian dollars, equivalent to around €5,000 to €18,000. This fee spectrum incorporates charges incurred on freight, import permits, and quarantine besides others, and it significantly depends on the origin country and the number of pets.

Coming to unforeseen circumstances, this is where setting aside a rainy day fund plays a critical role. Dr. Paula Cobain from the Irish Support Agency NSW, accentuates the cruciality of maintaining adequate emergency savings. As per her advice, it’s fundamental to have a sufficient fund for an unplanned return journey, as it’s not uncommon to receive an unexpected call warranting immediate return. If such a situation arises, bear in mind, the airfare will be hefty. For instance, an impromptu flight from Australia to Ireland for a single adult might amount anywhere between €2,500 and €3,000 during specific times of the year. This cost should be factored in while determining the sum to be reserved for emergencies.

When it comes to transferring significant savings from Ireland to an Australian bank, services such as Revolut or Transferwise might be superior alternatives to traditional international bank transfers, which could impose considerable fees and less advantageous exchange rates.

Next, health insurance coverage, a key prerequisite, especially for certain visa categories not included under the Australian universal healthcare program, Medicare. As per Dr. Cobain, it is absolutely essential. Although Irish citizens are eligible for in-patient hospital care under the mutual health agreement with Australia, anyone lacking Medicare coverage needs to manage all outpatient expenses, in case of illness or injury. As she insists, individuals should verify they have comprehensive international cover, particularly if they have pre-established chronic conditions demanding access to high-cost medications. She mentions that persons dealing with autoimmune conditions and diabetes elucidate the challenges involved. Additionally, she advises on obtaining medical repatriation coverage, critical for those who might need to urgently return home while being medically unfit.

Dr Cobain emphasises the importance of fiscal responsibility when considering travelling to Australia, as the Irish State cannot be depended upon for a monetary rescue. He explains that the Irish consulate does not have the authority to provide financial aid in any circumstance.
“For those who encounter financial struggles, we urge them to contact our Irish Support Agency team. We are not in a position to support with flight costs, thus in the event of a financial shortfall, travellers may need to seek financial support from their friends and family.”
Dr Cobain believes that thorough planning, appropriate budgeting and careful consideration of necessary items could avert such a crisis. He mentions that an increasing Australian convenience is the availability of Tayto crisps in local supermarkets.
