Letter from the President to Iran’s Leader

Dear Editor,

The office of the President of Ireland was traditionally detached from political involvement. The incumbent, however, appears unable to isolate himself from the political sphere. Sincerely,
Robert Sharpe,
Co Cavan.

In related news, Saoirse Ronan has been praised for her compelling portrayal of a recovering alcoholic in ‘The Outrun’. Meanwhile, Niamh O’Sullivan reveals her intense passion for singing, stating she couldn’t envision being in any other profession.

An individual opened up about the unforgettable moment they were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, an experience marked by deep despair. In the world of food and dining, the drummer of Meat Loaf is left searching for a lunch spot owing to Wagamama’s Dublin branch shutting its doors.

Moving on, the President’s tendency to stray from the traditional script might be a cause for concern for the current Government. This could potentially be a warning sign for future governments that might have to deal with a potentially argumentative McGregor at the helm. Yours sincerely,
Anthony Munnelly,
Dublin 7.

Furthermore, a letter from David Clarke (dated September 24th) nominated Michael D Higgins as potentially the worst president in our State’s history. However, I’d like to remind Mr Clarke that President Higgins has been elected twice, thus enjoying the support of the Irish public, regardless of Mr Clarke’s personal outlook. Yours faithfully,
John Kane,
