LCR Honda team presentation at Venice Casino

The city of Venice with the marvellous backdrop of it’s annual Carnival that recreates the atmosphere of the event as it was lived under the Serenissima Republic, hosted the LCR Honda MotoGP Team’s presentation at the reknowned Venice Casino.
Last Friday the team with Lucio Cecchinello and Toni Elias presented the #24 RC212V that he’ll be using this 2011 season and also on display were some other Honda’s at the casino.

In addition to the delicious Venetian food and champagne the diners have celebrated surrounded by the famous bunnies and the beautiful nineteenth century ladies, admiring the Burlesque show, playing at the gaming tables and dancing till the dawn at Palazzina Grassi in the unique Carnival atmosphere.
Toni Elias: “I flew here from Barcelona with my mum and my dad and we were all surprised because the party was unique! Venice is a wonderful city and the event was incredible.
I could feel the affection of the Team guests and I was very happy because I met them for the first time.
I must thank Lucio and the team staff for their efforts because this party was a real success.

On the stage I joked with Lucio about our past challenges when he was a 125cc rider and now he is my Boss! We are leaving for Qatar in a couple of days and I hope to return all this trust to Lucio, his Team and all the fans.
It won’t be easy but I am very stubborn (Lucio knows my temper!) and the premier class already gave me several successes that’s why I am very confident”.
Lucio Cecchinello: “First of all I want to thank all our guests for their affection because they have welcomed Toni and his family in the best way.
Thanks to the precious support of Venice Casino we have realized a special party in a magnificent city and our guests could meet Toni appreciating his spontaneity like I do.
I raced with him in the past and on track he is very tough (like the majority of the Spanish riders) so I am sure he will do his best using his experience.
The Championship is approaching and there is a lot of work to do but we like the challenges and our passion for this sport is an incredible boost for me and the squad”.

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