LCR Honda awarded at “Rinasci_Mente” Convention for Ecostyle Project

Pramac Ducati wasn’t the only team who went green in 2010, Lucio Cecchinello’s LCR Honda team has been trying to be eco friendly since 2009, when they launched their EcoStyle project.
The team uses hybrid truck fleet to reduce CO2 emissions by 20%, energy efficient lighting systems, recycled paper, and document management is almost almost exclusively in the digital form to reduce paper consumption.

Team clothing and team merchandise is largely made of pure cotton and gadgets are made of recyclable or low impact materials, The use of recycling bins if the country they visit has public infrastructures for recycling garbage.
The hospitality uses only biodegradable and compostable cutlery and only biodegradable detergents are used for cleaning.
For his interest in a sustainable world and his EcoStyle Project, Cecchinello was awarded at the “Rinasci_mente”: new generations, new energies” convention.
Press release after the jump.
Team Manager Lucio Cecchinello had the chance to be amongst the important guests and was awarded at the convention called “Rinasci_mente”: new generations, new energies”, organized by ANTER in the famous Tuscan city.
ANTER is a non-partisan, non-profit and apolitical Association which promotes the values and the notions of environmental preservation and the Green Economy through the development and promotion of clean energies produced by renewable resources.

In this context, ANTER carry forward several projects spreading the knowledge of renewable resources to the citizens.
The event was supported by the Economic Development Ministry, Tuscany Region, and the province of Florence, giving an important opportunity to discuss the successes of the Green Economy with the presence of ANTER President Mr Antonio Rainone together with the mayor Mr Matteo Renzi.
The pair announced the new ANTER City Tour which will start on March 2011 and will include the majority of the Italian territory to promote renewable resources and their use to the citizens.
The convention, brilliantly hosted by the Mediaset TV anchor woman Tessa Gelisio, was marked by the presence of several international guests, and 6 of the most interesting and positive experiences/projects of business men and citizens have been awarded on the stage.
The first awarded guest was the LCR Team Manager and former rider who explained to the guests and the public the policy of Ecostyle project (LCR Team independent initiative) for reducing and compensating the CO2 emissions connected to their sporting activities.
After that on the stage it was the turn of Ilaria Venturini Fendi (fashion representative) who has launched her precious bags manufactured with recyclable materials; then Mario Cucinella (architect) who explained his idea about the ecological house construction valued at 100.
000 Euros; straight after that was the headmistress of the children’s environmentally sustainable Meyer Hospital in Florence Doctor Monica Frassinetti; and finally Fabrice Leclerc (Management Professor at Bocconi University in Milan) giving an important testimonial to green thinking evolution in the business field.
At last people focused their attention on Professor Jeremy Rifkin’s speech (American economist, political activist and essayist) who is considered the prophet of climate change and has increased the awareness of the energy revolution matter.
Lucio Cecchinello: “I was honoured to know that our Ecostyle project was valued and selected by Rinasci_mente amongst several projects that, during the 2010, have activated original “environment” work plans.
It was a great feeling for me to introduce our Ecostyle project to these qualified guests and I was thankful and delighted for the prize.
Now we must go on with our project year by year developing our working procedures with more attention to the environment respect and allocating a part of our resources to the CO2 compensation with further solutions.
The speeches, the suggestions and the ideas that I have listened to in this convention are a real boost for our Team and our policies and I want to thank all the collaborators for their efforts in working with this… style!”

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