Lancia videos of Madame Sarkozy, Carla Bruni

Have you ever seen a First Lady do advertising for a car? It can happen when the lady in question is Carla BruniSarkozy, wife to French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
While Carla has always been famous for her modelling career, and stints as a singer-songwriter, she has suddenly been reclaimed as Italian, given her new First Lady status.

While born in Turin into a rich industrial family, Carla grew up in France and Switzerland and has often moved in sophisticated circles – perhaps more so even than her husband.
It seems that being a First Lady gives you an aura that even a modelling career can’t create.
And Carla recently knocked the socks off the British on a visit to Englans, showing what refined Jacqueline Kennedy-like grace is all about.
In these videos, prior to her First Lady gig, Carla Bruni gives some high profile visibility to Lancia, with the advertisements doing the rounds across Europe and, if not selling cars, selling an intriguing First Lady image for the French.
