Lambretta LN 2011: pictures and general info

Back to Lambretta origins seemed the theme from the company at the 2010 EICMA as in years gone by we’ve seen some hit-and-miss stuff from this historic Italian brand (specifically the Lambretta Pato who’s campaign to compete with 1950’s and 70’s Vespas didn’t quite come off).
The new Lambretta LN model has gone for a classic design with a squared-off front mudguard and elegant proportions with sculpted wing-shape designed sides tapering to the rear.

The engine is a twin-valve, single-cylinder air-cooled unit.
The model comes in either a 125 or 150cc model.
The Lambretta brand might not be quite ready to take on a model like the Vespa PX but this new design from Motom Electronics Group seems to be a positive indication that the model is regaining some of its lost identity and hopefully we’ll see some quality build that will bring it back to its cult status.

Written by Unit

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