Kwasi Kwarteng: Lockdown restrictions ease, use common sense

Mr Kwarteng also revealed the government will not delay the next phase of resuming on June 21.

The UK decided to ease the lockdown across the country on Monday. A cabinet minister asked Britons to use their common sense and also drink in moderation. It came up after there is an allowance to hug, dine inside restaurants and pubs, and socialize indoors.

Lockdown restrictions ease, use common sense

Kwasi Kwarteng, a Business Secretary, made the statement that people should be cautious even though the restrictions were lifted. He also mentioned, “common sense” which means being balanced. It’s okay to socialize indoors but respectfully with drinking in moderation. And also risking other people is the last thing you do.

Mr Kwarteng also revealed the government will not delay the next phase of resuming on June 21. But common sense is important and people should use knowledge and act wisely.

“I think there’s got to be a range of common sense, a bit of attention and people shouldn’t be running away getting too enthusiastic. I think we should be measured and cautious,” added Mr Kwarteng.

On another side, Professor Kevin Fenton, London Regional Director for Public Health England, warned Britons should be concerned and warned Indian variants could set us back quickly.

Professor Fenton also reminded people that all virus variants still show in London. So people should be careful when starting to gather with other family members and close friends in the outdoor area or inside with two households or up to six people.

Added that still lots of people haven’t been vaccinated yet. However, we still can lessen the risk by getting the basics of Face, Fresh Air, Hands, and Space while socializing with other people, added him.

A former chief scientific adviser and member of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), Sir Mark Walport gave advice, “Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. As far as possible socialise outdoors, keep social distancing, if you’re going to, hug guardedly. Tight clinches should be withdrawn.”

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