Kennedy Jnr Admits Dumping Bear in NY Park

In a recent video clip made public on the internet, Robert F Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate for the US presidency, unveiled an unusual incident that occurred a decade ago involving a deceased bear, Central Park in New York City, and a bizarre staged bike accident. Awaiting the New Yorker’s take on the revealed mystery, Kennedy Jr. widely shared the video on X, a popular social media platform.

The video showcased Kennedy in a relaxed setting, conversing with the comedy artist, Roseanne Barr, about strange past events. Kennedy shared an unexpected encounter while he was driving towards Hudson Valley in New York state. The incident included a bear cub unfortunately struck dead by a van driven by a lady ahead of his car. Kennedy decided to take the dead bear along with him, planning to store its meat and skin back at his home.

However, after an evening indulgence at the famed Peter Luger Steak House in New York City, he had to rush to the airport, leaving no time to unpack the bear from his vehicle. By his own admission, he resolved the situation with an amusing idea. He staged it to appear as though the bear was struck by a discarded bicycle he had in his car, upending it inside Central Park.

The discovery of a young black bear’s corpse nestled within Central Park’s shrubs in October 2014 had instigated a police investigation into the death. Subsequent research by state wildlife experts indicated that a vehicle most likely killed the bear.

Interestingly, Kennedy Jr. mentioned that the soon-to-be-published article by the New Yorker would likely contain a comprehensive detail of these events as they had contacted him to discuss this unusual incident further. There was, however, no immediate response from the New Yorker upon being contacted for a comment. The Kennedy campaign also refrained from commenting immediately about the incident.

A recent poll by Reuters/Ipsos indicates that Mr. Kennedy is the preferred candidate for 8 per cent of the electorate. However, he has not secured his position on the ballot in numerous states in the run-up to the election on November 5th, according to Reuters.
