Kate writes: “DIOBO’ che casino avete fatto!”

‘Dibo’and ‘casino’ are now two more words that non Italian racing fans have been forced to learn over these past two weeks and even if seems like more grief porn, I thought that it would be nice to translate and post Kate Fretti’s words to the hundred of thousands of fans, that with their words and heartfelt partecipation have helped Kate and the Simoncelli’s try to get through this very difficult moment.

Here’s what she wrote on Simoncelli’s Facebook page:Hello … my name is Kate … .
I am, I was Marco’s girlfriend.
Until 13 days ago, I used to update his website and his fanpage on Facebook, with the help of the guys from Retina.
Like many of us, Marco was fascinated by of the most popular social network … he liked reading your comments a lot after we published a post or a photo or post-race press release .
and spent his time to studying the growing number of fans on his page.
He enjoyed it a lot when on race weekend saw the rising number of Likes.

I remember the first Saturday of Malaysia he told me he had win in order to have more fans.
Well .
he was wrong, that was not the only way.
From the 8,000 we were on that Saturday afternoon, we are now more than 500,000.
By mail, email, Facebook, you’ve have written to me and Sic’s family … and initially I thought that words like: “Your pain is our” were only words of circumstance.
But then you continued to write, to call us at home, you came to Coriano in hundreds .
we have shaken hands, hugged, whispered in our ears, you cried with us and your love has been a comfort and is still is helping us not feel alone.
To my amazement, I realized that the world is still beautiful and solidarity among people still exsists ….
And I can not help but thank you on behalf of myself and Marco’s family.
Yesterday morning, Riky a dear friend and Marco’s cousin wrote me a very nice thing: “From Marco’s death I learned a valuable lesson, which I will now make the my rule of life: Never give up, even if you get stuck, struggle to achieve your goal … even if it’s the last thing you do.
” Never were words truer, never give up guys, we will not give up because despite everything, life is good!I could spend hours writing the moving sentences that I’ve received in these days … but this is the one that three days after the incident made me feel a bit better, perhaps because it helps keeps my hope alive that the soul does exist after death.
Kate closed her touching post with part of Henry Scott Holland’s poem, “Death is Nothing at All”.
Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other,that we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy waywhich you always used.
Put no difference in your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughedat the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me…

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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