Jules Cluzel to ride for PTR Honda?

According to our French colleagues at Motosblog.
fr, former Moto2 rider Jules Cluzel may be riding in the 2012 World Supersport after all and with one of the biggest squads that competes in the championship, PTR Honda.
The French rider had happily announced that he would be riding with debuting WTR Tent 10 Racing Team, but the Italian squad made a last minute merger with Bike Service Team due to the usual budget reasons and decided to keep the more experienced Massimo Roccoli, leaving Cluzel high and dry and searching for another team.

PTR Honda is run by Simon Buckmaster and in 2012 will be fielding five riders under three different team names, Bogdanka PTR Honda (with Sam Lowes, Mathew Scholtz and Pawel Szkopek), PTR Honda (with Patrick ‘PJ’ Jacobsen and Ronan Quarmby) and Riders PTR Honda (Martin Jessopp) and probably adding another rider won’t be a big problem, if Cluzel has come up with the € 350,000 that Buckmaster was asking for to ride in WSS.

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