Jorge Lorenzo switches to HJC

During last month’s Nolan Christmas party it was revealed that reigning World Champion Jorge Lorenzo would be changing helmet makers and was rumored that he was switching over to HJC.
The Korean lid manufacturer – reportedly the world’s largest helmet manufacturer – has officially announced that they signed a deal with Lorenzo (supposedly to the tune of a one million euros per season).

“We are very proud to sign Jorge Lorenzo for the 2013 season as well as our other top riders,” said George Hong, President HJC America, who confirmed that the Spaniard will be using HJC’s new RPHA 10 helmet, which is one of the several helmets developed by Lorenzo’s former team mate Ben Spies, who has a longstanding relationship with the company.
A new RPHA 10 Lorenzo replica will also be available in next spring and we can’t wait to see if Lorenzo will change the Por Fuera graphics.

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