Jorge Lorenzo: “I am proud of that podium”

If Casey Stoner was over the moon about his win at Qatar, reigning World Champion Jorge Lorenzo was absolutely ecstatic punching the air as he crossed over the finish line as if he had actually won the race, instead of coming in second.
After spending most of the race in third watching the Repsol Honda pair duel it out, until Pedrosa started to fade with his arm problems and Lorenzo was ready to pounce and deliver the goods with his Yamaha M1 to finish 3.

440 seconds behind the super speedy Australian.
Everyone was expecting Ben Spies to end up higher on the chart and we bet he was too, considering his practices results, but a bad start foiled all his plans.
Spies had to waste a long time battling it out for sixth with Valentino Rossi, who is no slouch in blocking passes and tightly and smoothly protecting his racing lines.
“I think maybe I am more proud of that podium than a race victory, that’s how I feel tonight.
I feel very proud of myself and my team who never gave up and worked to give me the best bike that they can,” said Lorenzo.

“I put everything I have inside into my riding on the track for the race from the start to the end and was on the limit every lap.
I almost crashed on one corner but I managed to stay on the bike and finished in second position which is the best that I could do.
” “That’s the first race of the year done and dusted, it wasn’t picture perfect and I got pushed out a bit in turn one, getting trapped behind Barbera and Rossi the first few laps,” stated Spies.
“They were fighting together which meant I lost touch with the guys in front.
Other than that it was a good race, I struggled to get by Valentino for a while, he was riding really well and he’s not an easy guy to get around! Once we were able to get past we set fast lap times and the bike was feeling good.
It was just the first part of the race that didn’t pan out, I didn’t get a lucky break on the start.
We race in two weeks so I’m happy to get back on it at Jerez.
It’s the first race of the year, I didn’t make top five but we got some points so I’m happy.

Written by Unit

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