Jonathan Rea on his MotoGP test

While we thought that Jonathan Rea was testing the RC212V in Sepang was to help verify information and technical data and give top rider feedback, even if it was his first time on a MotoGP bike and Honda could circumvent the MotoGP test ban, the test was also a reward for Rea’s WSB performances in 2010.

The three day test actually ran an extra half day, after rain disrupted the Wednesday and Thursday sessions.
Here’s what an enthusiastic Rea had to say about the test.
“Riding the RC212V has been an unbelievable experience for me! A four days test is a dream that became true and I am really happy that HRC invited me here in Sepang.
” said Rea.
“Yesterday the rain didn’t allow us to be on track that much and we stayed one more day.
Today I start feeling the bike is “my bike” and I had some good feeling riding it.
I hope I have been able to give to the engineers some useful comment, even if my physical conditions were not the best because my wrist is still not 100%.

Now I will have some rest for the end of the year, and then I will be focused on my job of 2011 that is the World Superbike Championship.
Thanks again to everybody in Honda for the great experience!”.
MotoGP testing resumes in February at Sepang, while Rea will return to his Ten Kate team for WSBK testing in January.

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