Jon Bon Jovi Has Opened Restaurants Where People Can Eat For Free

We all know Jon Bon Jovi for his music. Few, however, know that the singer is also an activist and promoter of a very interesting social project known as Soul Kitchen. They are restaurants open to everyone where those in need can eat without paying. Instead of money, they can give a little help in the kitchen. In addition to serving food, the two restaurants also offer other services, in order to help people with bureaucratic, health management or other problems.

We all know Jon Bon Jovi for his music. Few, however, know that the singer is also an activist and promoter of a very interesting social project known as Soul Kitchen. What is it about? They are restaurants open to everyone where those in need can eat without paying. Instead of money, they can give a little help in the kitchen.

Soul Kitchen: Jon Bon Jovi’s Project

The Soul Kitchen project was actually born in 2011, when Jon Bon Jovi opened his first restaurant. Now the restaurants have become 2 and are both located in New Jersey. In particular, the second is located near the Toms River, an area hit by Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Both restaurants are very popular and appreciated so much that they have already served over 100,000 meals.

But what’s so special about these restaurants? Their particularity is that they are community restaurants that offer menus with priceless dishes. The idea is that people who have resources pay while those who have no money can eat what they want in exchange for a small contribution. Even if they can‘t afford anything, they can simply help out in the kitchen or in the vegetable gardens where most of the ingredients are grown.

According to Soul Kitchen’s website, 54% of the meals served were financed by donations, the rest through voluntary work.

The Services Available to People

Waiters and restaurant staff are also volunteers, not professionals. Many of them are people who do not have large financial resources and who have therefore made themselves available to the restaurant in exchange for meals. The motto of the restaurants is not by chance, in addition to Hope Is Delicious, “Everyone is welcome at our table“. You can see it also written on the aprons and t-shirts worn by the staff.

It is true that this is a project of solidarity, but this does not mean that the restaurant does not offer quality products. On the contrary, the menu consists of appetizer, main course and dessert made with organic ingredients. And there is also a vegetarian or vegan version. Moreover, people can also taste dishes cooked by Jon Bon Jovi himself, who often attends both restaurants.

In addition to serving food, however, the two restaurants also offer other services for the people who eat there. For example, there is a cooking school, after-school for children who need it and a counseling and training center. All this allows to help all people with bureaucratic, health management or other problems.

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