John Lewis Christmas advert 2020 has been released

This year's John Lewis Christmas advert has been released and is absolutely heart-warming.

This year’s John Lewis Christmas advert has finally been unveiled. It is about the power of acts of kindness, through nine inter-connected mini stories.

John Lewis Christmas advert 2020

This year’s John Lewis Christmas advert is here and people are absolutely loving the stories it features. It’s a two-minute celebration of people’s kindness and of how much it matters and how it can alleviate other people’s loneliness. Small acts of kindness have the power to bring joy to people we don’t know or people who are lonely and have nobody to count on. This advert is a thorough celebration of this power. With this commercial, John Lewis also invites viewers to join the ‘Give a Little Love’ campaign by helping to raise £5 million for two charities.

The advert was released on social media at 7 am and it will be broadcast on TV from this weekend. It tells nine little stories of kindness, following a chain reaction of good deeds able to change somebody else’s life in different ways through small acts. Every scene features different styles, from hand-drawn animation to cinematography.

The commercial reportedly was inspired by the acts of kindness that started spontaneously at the start of lockdown, although it seems to be set in a covid-free world, so characters do not have to wear face masks or follow social distancing.


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