Joe Biden signs first executive orders as US President

President Joe Biden took action to reverse several of Trump’s policies on immigration, climate change, coronavirus and more.

Biden has officially become the 46th President of United States and he took action to reverse several of Trump’s policies on immigration, climate change, coronavirus and more.

Biden signs first executive orders

Coronavirus has hit the country hard, the US has reported more than 400,000 deaths from the virus and thousands more are expected as vaccinations are moving slowly. President Biden started by reversing Trump’s action to withdraw the US from the World Health Organization (WHO).

For what regards immigration and racial equality, Trump’s controversial ‘Muslim ban’ that set restrictions for people coming from Muslim countries moving to USA, will also be revoked as well as the construction of the border wall with Mexico.

Climate change was also a number one topic in Biden’s campaign and it is no surpise that one of his focus will be climate. United States will in fact rejoin the 2015 Paris climate agreement, which Trump had withdrawn creating a huge wave of polemics.

The Inauguration Day saw tight security and a restricted amount of people because of coronavirus, although more than 200,000 US flags were planted on the National Mall as a symbol of those who could not attend for covid. President Biden said: “The will of the people has been heard, and the will of the people has been heeded. We’ve learned again that democracy is precious and democracy is fragile.

Donald Trump and Melania Trump left the White House before the Inauguration Day breaking from the longstanding tradition that sees the President and his successor meeting and walking in the White House together. Trump followed one tradition only, by leaving a letter for Biden on his desk. According to President Biden the letter is ‘very generous’ and said that if Trump will speak about the letter openly then he will reveal the content, it will otherwise remain private.


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Written by Lauren Woods

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