Italy’s post offices redesigned by Massimo Iosa Ghini

Italy’s post offices are getting a makeover with Massimo Iosa Ghini, in a project that is set to revamp the system and create a contemporary look, with flexibility and functionality.
The move should be appreciated by anyone who has had to battle it in the Italian postal system in some tacky post offices.

The post offices to benefit are a good 62 in Rome, with the first to be at Rome’s “La Sapienza” university.
The new layout will include electronic signs, interactive panels and a self service area.
Touch screen monitors will be used for information and the multimedia elements will be combined with informal waiting chairs for a practical touch.
The redesigned post offices show a new brand concept for Poste Italiane, Italy’s postal system, building on their new corporate image.
Whatever the case, I’ll be happy to know which queue I’m supposed to be standing on when I go in! The new offices look impressive; have a look at the images below.
