Italy’s most popular churches

Travel portal Trivago, for the Church month of May, has published the most appreciated basilicas, cathedrals and churches in Italy.
The top ten churches of Italy are based on the number of internet searches completed in March and April of this year on the Trivago site.
To test your knowledge of Italian churches, we’ve put up the photos of the top ten, most of which are so well known, you shouldn’t have any problems identifying them.

The “solution” is after the jump.
All photos from Flickr, from Allie_Caulfield, Mypoorbrain, freshwater2006, Bruce_of_Oz, barb_ar, Roby Ferrari and Wiki Commons.
The Top Ten Italian Churches : 1.
– Basilica di San Pietro or St Peter’s (Rome) 2.
– Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano or St John Lateran (Rome) 3.
– Duomo di Milano (Milan) 4.
– Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore or Florence’s Duomo 5.
– Basilica di San Marco or St Mark’s (Venice) 6.
– Duomo di Monreale (Monreale) 7.
– Duomo di Siena (Siena) 8.
– Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (Rome) 9.
– Monastero della Certosa (Pavia) 10.
–Basilica di San Francesco or St Francis’ (Assisi)
