Italy’s Cinque Terre on world’s best coastal locations ranking

The Cinque Terre in Italy are among the world’s most beautiful coastal locations, according to the National Geographic’s geotourism survey.
The location is one of my personal favourites in Italy, having been there once and hiked the coastline, enjoying a dip in the warmest sea I’ve experienced (I’m used to more ocean temperatures though, so it’s not saying much on an international, warm water scale).

According to the publication, the Cinque Terre feature high up in the world’s top ten coastal locations, behind New Foundland on a list of 99 places rated.
Other locations featured include Jamaica, Mozambique and Brazil.
For our part, the Cinque Terre combine a lovely mix of natural Italian scenery, town life and its associated restaurants and markets, and breathtaking views.
If you want rosy colours at sunset and romantic settings in Italy, you’ve got to pop into Liguria at least once and see what’s in store.
Cinque Terre

Written by Unit

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