Italian Transgender actress Eva Robin’s turns 50

Eva Robbin’s was born as Roberto Maurizio Conti in Bologna on 10th December, 1958, but during her career she has been known by many other names: Eva Coatti, Eva Robins and Eva Robbins, just to mention a few.
Her best movie to date is Belle al bar or Hotties At The Bar directed by Alessandro Benvenuti.

In that film she played the part of a transvestite named Giulio/Giulia.
Eva was then cast in a leading theatre role.
Her performance of La voce Umana or The Human Voice was absolutely amazing.
And even her second role in Otto donne ed un mistero or 8 Women was a great success, winning rave reviews.
Eva Robbin’s also hosted several shows on Italian tv among which Matrioska, L’arbaba fenice and the primetime show Primadonna , directed by Gianni Boncompagni.
As it was with Amanda Lear and Luxuria, Eva’s success stemmed from her sexual ambiguity.
Actually Eva’s career should be divided into two parts: the first featuring a string of low-budget sexy movies shot in Spain in the late seventies and the second one with a series of good movies filmed in Italy between 1990 and 2007.

Trivia: When she chose her name, Eva Robin’s had in mind Eva Kant (a character in Italy’s Diabolik comics)and American writer Harold Robbins and the Saxon genitive was only added to create sexual overtones.
Eva Robbin’s didn’t undergo any sex-change operation.
If you are interested to know more about transgender sexuality and hermaphroditism, you should really see XXY, a beautiful movie by Lucia Puenzo.
Filmography-La nueva Merilyn, regia Juan Antonio de la Loma (1976)-La cerimonia dei sensi, regia di Antonio D’Agostino (1979)-Eva Man (Due sessi in uno), regia di Antonio D’Agostino (1980)-El regreso de Eva Man, regia di Zacarías Urbiola (1982)-Tenebre, regia di Dario Argento (1982)-Hercules, regia di Luigi Cozzi (1983)-Le avventure dell’incredibile Ercole, regia di Luigi Cozzi (1985)-Mascara, regia di Patrick Conrad (1987)-Gioco al massacro, regia di Damiano Damiani (1989)-L’odissea, regia di Giuseppe Recchia (1991)-Belle al Bar, regia di Alessandro Benvenuti (1994)-Luna e l’altra, regia di Maurizio Nichetti (1996)-Il primo estratto, regia di Gianpaolo Tescari (1997)-I miei più cari amici, regia di Alessandro Benvenuti (1998)-Cattive inclinazioni, regia di Pierfrancesco Campanella (2003)-Tutte le donne della mia vita, regia di Simona Izzo (2007)-All’amore assente, regia di Andrea Adriatico (2007) Eva Robin’s birthday gallery

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