Italian singers: Tiziano Ferro interview

Here is an extract from an interview with Tiziano Ferro, published in Milan’s Corriere newspaper, a few days before Tiziano Ferro debuts his Tour 2009.
The interview, by journalist Andrea Laffranchi, touches on many topics including Italy’s music scene today, Giusy Ferreri and the current talent show trend.
While the full article contains some interesting and sincere exchanges with the Italian singer, we give you a few extracts below to give you an idea of the person within Tiziano Ferro.

On the lack of song writers in Italy, Tiziano Ferro has said: “In Italy there are more singers than songs.
The song is the key element, without it I wouldn’t get anywhere.
” And in a candid comment on talent shows: ” ‘Amici’? I’ve never watched it.
X-Factor? This year I watched only a few episodes and no-one impressed me.
Tiziano Ferro recently made a name for himself as the song writer for Italy’s hugely successful Giusy Ferreri (who also came to the fore on the X-Factor, but was actually runner up).
He says: “It’s not necessary to always be the first in line, the aim for me is not be on the front pages… What happened with Giusy was an enjoyment that I’ve never felt before…The hits I wrote for her wouldn’t have been the same if sung by me.

It’s not true that anyone could have done it.
How many would have made the songs as strong as she has?”Giusy Ferreri and Laura Pausini are two talented female artists in Italy, who have gone head to head in the charts, with Ferreri a new voice in Italian music, and Pausini representing almost a veteran status in the industry.
Tiziano says: “I had written down in a closed envelope that in the Christmas hit parade, Ferreri would have been in front of me.
I had expected that she would even be in first place, above Pausini.
But I had undervalued Laura’s status in Italian culture.
”Regarding new projects, Tiziano Ferro has clear ideas, saying “Television doesn’t interest me.
More than once they’ve offered me to do cinema, but I’ve refused because I wouldn’t be capable of it.
I would like to do radio, though.
”If you get the chance to read the whole article, have a look.
It’s rare to see someone of Tiziano Ferro’s status in Italy, be so frank in an interview.
