Italian singer Ilaria Porceddu: performances from X-Factor

Another Italian singer who came through the ranks of X-Factor on Italian television is Ilaria Porceddu, who didn’t win the contest but got herself a contract anyway, releasing the album “Souno Naturale”.
As we reported, Porceddu’s album is generally underwhelming, but after the comment from Mike in support of the singer, we thought we’d give you a few videos of her songs, and her performances from X-Factor.

Above is “Souno Naturale”, the opening track of the album, and right after the jump is “La voce della luna” (”The Moon’s Voice”), which closes the album.
Overall the songs are very suited to Porceddu’s style and voice, but despite the beautiful arrangements, I find it all a bit too whispery and character-less.
After the jump are some of her performances from X-Factor and I’ll leave you to make up your mind about them.
