Italian showgirls: the blonde and brunette Le Veline 2008

Italy’s showgirl contest, Le veline, has concluded for 2008 with Costanza Caracciolo and Federica Nargi winning the competition.
Italy’s famous “veline” perform on the satirical show “Striscia la notizia”, and the showgirl competition involves weeks of televised national trials.
It is tradition to choose one blonde and one brunette which make up the veline team, and while it’s a lot about how long your legs are, the girls have to go through dancing, singing and recital lessons, promotional activities and lots of image make-over.

The showgirl tradition is a bastion of Italian television, and there’s always stiff competition for the crown of Le veline.
After winning the competition, the girls are often guaranteed a career in show-biz, and move in all the right circles if you happen to be looking for an Italian football player as a husband.
Check out the photo gallery and below, a video of the girl’s “stacchetto”, or dance.
