Italian show girls: Cristina del Basso, Melita Toniolo and Francesca Fioretti

Soon we’ll be bringing you a list of Italy’s best show girls for 2009, but before we do we have to catch up on who’s being doing what on Italian television.
The biggest boobs in Italian show business, those of Cristina del Basso, got a gig on variety show Colorado Cafe after their exploits on Big Brother Italy, and of course, Cristina del Basso’s calendar.

Appearing alongside Cristina is Melita Toniolo, who after the auction scandal, a different Big Brother series and a summer of eternal boyfriend-swapping, has also joined the ranks of Colorado’s dancing girls.
Completing the trio in this video is Francesca Fioretti who we saw mostly recently modelling lingerie, but who was a fellow housemate in the Big Brother household.
Will it never end? Check out Cristina del Basso’s famous calendar pics below as she takes number one spot in the running so far for best Italian show girl, 2009.

Written by Unit

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