Italian porn stars and Spanish riders: Jorge Lorenzo wants Rocco Siffredi’s job

Rocco Siffredi is an Italian porn star and one of the country’s most famous celebrities, and just happens to share a birthday with Jorge Lorenzo, who recently turned 23.
In a call to the Spanish MotoGP rider to wish him a happy birthday, the interviewer reminded Lorenzo of his shared birthday and as such he got to discussing Siffredi and the world’s best jobs.

While Jorge Lorenzo has a very rewarding job with plenty of girls involved (we think?), he says: “Rocco is number one in his field.
He’s got a great job, even if I can’t complain about mine.
” Which would have been a neat and simple response to a likely silly question from the interviewer if Lorenzo had stopped there.
He continued, though, saying: “Certainly my sensations and those that Rocco feels, are different … even if I enjoy both of them.
If I could, I’d do his work, but if I think that it would be pretty tiring.
” Right….

Written by Unit

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