To indulge in some stereotypes, while it pains me to say this, it’s quite possible that southern Italians are nicer than northern Italians.
Or at least they have a “warmer” temperament, due possibly to the hot climate and laid back life of the south.
This realisation has come to me since my holiday to southern Tuscany, which was so far south we were virtually in Lazio, Rome’s region, and I can say on more than one occasion when we stopped someone to ask directions, they helped us with a smile on their face as if stopping them you had just made their day.
Perhaps it’s my Anglo Saxon cultural background, but even on the beach people were more friendly.
Chatting, sharing of shade and general distribution of local wisdom occurred and while if you go to the mountains in northern Italy it’s possible you’ll see the same thing, it’s all delivered in a more guarded style.
Although I must say, after living in a house with three crazy southern Italians, sometimes the northern reserve is a welcome thing! What do you think about the character of northern and southern Italians?