Italian office clerk claims movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is based on one of her stories

Adriana Pichini, an Italian office clerk is convinced that , The Strange Case of Benjamin Button, one of the most successful movies of the season, nominated for 13 Oscars, is based upon a story she wrote in 1994; Arthur’s Return to Innocence, this the title of Mss Pichini’s work, tells the story of a man who ages in reverse; it seems that the story was first registered with the proper Italian copyright authorities and then sent to publishers in America.

Pichini’s lawyer has just filed a complaint before a magistrate who will now read the book and draw his own conclusions.
According to her lawyer, Ms Pichini is not seeking financial damages against Fincher, screenwriter Eric Roth, and the film’s producers (the movie,according to the production, was inspired by a short story by G.
Scott Fitzgerald); in short it’s more a matter of principle than the amount of money one can get!Source Hollywood Reporter
