Italian mountain holidays: the “maso” or farmhouses in Alto Adige

Italy’s northern region Alto Adige has a wonderful mix of culture and you will often hear German spoken in this part of Italy, not Italian.
It is a real highlands Italian culture, with all the elements of isolation you might expect to find.
A “maso” is a self-sufficient agricultural structure attached to family homes and farms.

There are differing names for each “maso” depending on its origins – whether Latin, Bavarian or Slavic.
The Haufenhof is a group of buildings, Paarhof refers to just two separate buildings, Einhof is one long building and Zwiehof is one single building with two adjoining roofs.
Now in Italy you can stay in the various “masi” in a kind of north Italian farmhouse stay, though they’re now equipped with comfortable facilities.
The “Gallo Rosso” association produces guides which include the various Alto Adige farmhouse stays (agriturismi).
Over 900 are listed, including the produce of each agriturismo and the facilities available.
A usual feature of the ‘masi’ is homemade Italian cheese, for example, and local Alto Adige wine.
Prices for each maso vary and the guides include a star (or sun) classification system similar to hotels.

For example, in Bressanone, a four-sun apartment for two for a week at Christmas is about 300 euros a week.
That’s good accommodation for the snow season in Italy… For more information visit gallorosso.
