Italian love songs: “Più bella cosa” from Eros Ramazzotti

With his distinctive voice and long career Eros Ramazzotti has become a big name in Italian music, and here he sings “Più bella cosa” (The most beautiful thing) from 1996.
Più bella cosaEros Ramazzotti 1996Ci vuole passione con tenon deve mancare maici vuole mestiere perchélavoro di cuore lo saiIt needs passion with youIt should never be lackingIt needs craft becauseWorking with the heart you knowcantare d’amore non basta maine servirà di piùper dirtelo ancora per dirti chepiù bella cosa non c’èpiù bella cosa di teunica come seiimmensa quando vuoigrazie di esistere… Singing of love is never enoughIt needs moreTo tell you again to tell you thatThe most beautiful thing isn’t hereThe most beautiful thing about youUnique as you areImmense when you wantThanks for existing
