Italian football coaches: Lippi gone, Capello lucky and Wakagare video

After much controversy, it is nearly miraculous that Fabio Capello will stay on for the moment as England’s national football coach, but for his fellow countryman, Marcello Lippi, things have not been so lucky.
After Italy went home early by Italian standards from the 2010 World Cup, a race was almost on between Lippi and Italy’s football federation as to who could resign or get fired first.

Since then, Lippi has been the target of insults in his region of Tuscany, in Viareggio, and of this hilarious video above which is a take-off of the Waka Waka World Cup song.
Some highlights include: “they’re tired and pay is low, go get a job”, “Italy can’t score, how embarrassing”, “if you want to avoid a lynching, stay in Africa”.
And so on….
Capello has no idea just how lucky he is.
