Italian Easter recipes: lamb soup

There aren’t many opportunities to try Italian lamb dishes, but Easter in Italy is one time when you can indulge.
Especially in Rome, an essential dish on the table at breakfast, or Italian Easter lunch is “brodetto d’agnello” or lamb soup.
For six people you require: half a litre of capon or lamb broth, six eggs, the juice of half a lemon, some fresh marjoram leaves, grated parmesan cheese, toasted bread and salt.

Method: prepare the broth normally, leaving it to cool.
In a casserole dish beat four eggs, and the yolk of the other two, add the lemon and then slowly, gradually add the broth, mixing with each addition.
Put the dish over heat and cook for about ten minutes, constantly stirring and making sure the liquid doesn’t boil.
In a wide bowl, place the toasted bread, pour over the broth and add the grated parmesan and marjoram.
Serve very hot.
