Italian cinema: sexy actress Nadia Cassini turns 60

After our posts about Edwige Fenech and Gloria Guida today we want to celebrate another sexy actress who in the early seventies and eighties graced the silver screen with her curvaceous hot body: Nadia Cassini! Actually her real name is Lou Gianna Muller and was born in Woodstock in 1949.
Her parents, two vaudeville actors of German and Italian origins, encouraged her to become an actress, but things really started to look up only when she married count Igor Cassini.

In 1970 the couple decided to move to Italy where her career began to take off.
She debuted in an Italian movie called Il divorzio or The Divorce which gave her career a real boost .
She went on to star in a couple of sexy movies, but her love for Greek actor Yorgo Voyagis took her to London and Mrs Cassini put her acting career on hold for several years.
Only in 1976 the actress made her comeback with a series of sexy films such as Io Tigro, tu tigri, L’insegnate balla con tutta la classe or The teacher is dancing with the whole class and the famous L‘infermiera nella corsia dei militari or The Nurse in the Military Madhouse in which her voluptuous behind aroused male audiences throughout the world.

She also posed sexy for Playboy Italia and Playmate and back then she was the only actress who could compete with Edwige Fenech, but in the early 80s her career began to decline due to her inability to make a transition into more serious roles.
Her Italian was never very good and her beauty , according to some critics, her only asset.
Mrs Cassini now lives in America.
Trivia: She has a daughter named Cassandra born during her relationship with Yorgo Voyagis; she recorded several songs and was also known as the most beautiful “behind” in the worldFilmography Il dio serpente (1970)Il divorzio (1970)Mazzabubù… Quante corna stanno quaggiù? (1971)Quando gli uomini armarono la clava e… con le donne fecero din don (1971)Colpiscono senza pietà (1972)Ecco lingua d’argento (1976)Spogliamoci così, senza pudor (1977)Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra (1978)Scontri stellari oltre la terza dimensione (1978)L’insegnante balla… con tutta la classe (1979)L’infermiera nella corsia dei militari (1979)Io zombo, tu zombi, lei zomba (1979)La dottoressa ci sta col colonnello (1980)L’assistente sociale tutto pepe (1981)Tutta da scoprire (1981)Miracoloni (1981)Giovani, belle… probabilmente ricche (1982)Amiche mie (1982) Nadia Cassini birthday gallery e foto sexy
